Resource Times:   Considers all models.

Date / Time: 06/13/04 21:30:49

Total resource time for all models.

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to eachother. Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

If a model was not solved optimal/feasible by both solvers, the resource time is considered the same. If a model was solved optimal/feasible by solver A but not by solver B, then solver A is considered infinitely faster than solver B. Similarly, if one solver has trace data and the other has no data, then the first solver is consideredinfinitely faster.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.00E-05 For objective values below 1e-1 we use absolute differences.

Tracefile 1 :tracedonlp2.trc
Tracefile 2 :traceipopt.trc
Solvers used : DONLP2
Modeltype(s)   NLP

Total Obj DONLP2 better Obj same Obj IPOPT better
Solver DONLP2 infinitely faster : 2 2 - -
Solver DONLP2 much faster : 3 1 2 -
Solver DONLP2 faster : 3 - 1 2
Solvers perform the same : 216 17 171 28
Solver IPOPT faster : 10 1 6 3
Solver IPOPT much faster : 27 2 14 11
Solver IPOPT infinitely faster : 25 - - 25
Both solvers failed to solve optimally : 4 - 4 -
Total models: : 2902319869

Solver return definition:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
globally optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal/feasible 2 or 7 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Resource Times:

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Solver DONLP2 infinitely faster - Obj of DONLP2 better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex8_2_1 0.3100fail -- -1.40191724E+05 -2.68896611E+05
ex9_2_8 0.0000no data -- 1.50000000E+00 0.00000000E+00

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Solver DONLP2 much faster - Obj of DONLP2 better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
st_rv9 0.23001.13000.204 -1.18975216E+02 -1.17744157E+02

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Solver DONLP2 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex14_1_6 0.01000.6400--- 1.00000000E+00 9.99999991E-01
ex9_1_1 0.00000.5100--- -1.30000000E+01 -1.29999963E+01

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Solver DONLP2 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
elec100 19.550029.20000.670 4.44841042E+03 4.44841042E+03

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Solver DONLP2 faster - Obj of IPOPT better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex8_3_11 0.39000.74000.527 -1.55023584E-02 -7.99571857E-01
ex8_6_2 0.05000.09000.556 -3.16881628E+01 -3.18886296E+01

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Solvers perform the same - Obj of DONLP2 better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex2_1_8 0.08000.0000--- 1.56390000E+04 2.63529755E+04
ex4_1_1 0.00000.0000--- -7.48731236E+00 -5.19978061E-01
ex6_1_1 0.00000.0000--- -2.01982127E-02 -1.75775433E-02
ex6_1_2 0.00000.0000--- -3.24637501E-02 2.45713375E-06
ex6_1_3 0.00000.0000--- -3.52497568E-01 -3.24348794E-01
ex7_2_1 0.01000.0200--- 1.22719697E+03 1.22722544E+03
ex8_1_6 0.00000.0000--- -1.00860015E+01 -5.06543974E+00
ex9_2_1 0.00000.0000--- 1.70000000E+01 2.50000000E+01
ex9_2_2 0.01000.0100--- 9.99731853E+01 9.99999999E+01
ex9_2_5 0.01000.0100--- 8.99999955E+00 9.80000000E+00
ex9_2_7 0.01000.0000--- 1.70000000E+01 2.50000000E+01
st_bsj4 0.00000.0100--- -7.02620500E+04 -4.43470509E+04
st_e39 0.00000.0000--- -1.00860015E+01 -5.06543974E+00
st_fp7b 0.02000.0200--- -4.74203315E+02 -3.71756596E+02
st_fp7c 0.02000.0300--- -5.48406631E+03 -5.11237715E+03
st_glmp_ss2 0.00000.0100--- 3.00000000E+00 8.24999988E+00
st_rv2 0.01000.0100--- -6.44806951E+01 -6.25613569E+01

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Solvers perform the same - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
abel 0.01000.0000--- 2.25194583E+02 2.25194583E+02
alkyl 0.01000.0000--- -1.76499965E+00 -1.76500017E+00
chance 0.00000.0000--- 2.98943782E+01 2.98943780E+01
chem 0.01000.0100--- -4.77065148E+01 -4.77065148E+01
circle 0.00000.0000--- 4.57424779E+00 4.57424779E+00
dispatch 0.00000.0000--- 3.15528793E+03 3.15528790E+03
elec50 3.53003.19001.107 1.05518231E+03 1.05518231E+03
ex14_1_1 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -1.34657515E-07
ex14_1_3 0.01000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
ex14_1_4 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.06105177E-09
ex14_1_5 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -4.93794296E-09
ex14_1_8 0.00000.0000--- 4.14158858E-02 4.14158807E-02
ex14_1_9 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -4.98607357E-09
ex14_2_1 0.01000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.12808319E-09
ex14_2_2 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.27347009E-09
ex14_2_3 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -6.88715276E-09
ex14_2_4 0.01000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.10320056E-09
ex14_2_5 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.20169979E-09
ex14_2_6 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.12131212E-09
ex14_2_7 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -6.87084359E-09
ex14_2_8 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.19505251E-09
ex14_2_9 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.28729597E-09
ex2_1_1 0.00000.0000--- -1.70000000E+01 -1.70000026E+01
ex2_1_10 0.02000.0200--- 4.93180180E+04 4.93180100E+04
ex2_1_2 0.00000.0000--- -2.13000000E+02 -2.13000004E+02
ex2_1_3 0.00000.0100--- -1.50000000E+01 -1.50000003E+01
ex2_1_4 0.00000.0100--- -1.10000000E+01 -1.10000002E+01
ex2_1_5 0.01000.0000--- -2.68014632E+02 -2.68014639E+02
ex2_1_6 0.00000.0000--- -3.90000000E+01 -3.90000052E+01
ex2_1_7 0.00000.0000--- -4.15041013E+03 -4.15041026E+03
ex2_1_9 0.00000.0000--- -3.75000000E-01 -3.75000013E-01
ex3_1_1 0.00000.0000--- 7.04924802E+03 7.04924777E+03
ex3_1_2 0.00000.0000--- -3.06655254E+04 -3.06655389E+04
ex3_1_3 0.00000.0000--- -3.10000000E+02 -3.10000010E+02
ex3_1_4 0.01000.0000--- -4.00000000E+00 -4.00000016E+00
ex4_1_2 0.00000.0000--- -6.63500097E+02 -6.63500097E+02
ex4_1_3 0.00000.0000--- -4.43671705E+02 -4.43671705E+02
ex4_1_4 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
ex4_1_5 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
ex4_1_6 0.00000.0000--- 7.00000000E+00 7.00000000E+00
ex4_1_7 0.00000.0000--- -7.50000000E+00 -7.50000000E+00
ex4_1_8 0.00000.0000--- -1.67388932E+01 -1.67388932E+01
ex4_1_9 0.00000.0000--- -5.50801327E+00 -5.50801353E+00
ex5_2_2_case3 0.02000.0100--- -7.50000000E+02 -7.50000008E+02
ex5_2_4 0.00000.0000--- -4.49999790E+02 -4.50000007E+02
ex5_2_5 0.23000.21001.095 -3.50000000E+03 -3.50000005E+03
ex5_3_2 0.03000.0100--- 1.86415946E+00 1.86415947E+00
ex5_4_2 0.03000.0000--- 7.51223014E+03 7.51222989E+03
ex5_4_3 0.07000.0100--- 5.93743735E+03 5.93743704E+03
ex6_1_4 0.00000.0000--- -2.94541219E-01 -2.94541288E-01
ex6_2_10 0.00000.0000--- -3.05197611E+00 -3.05197613E+00
ex6_2_11 0.00000.0000--- -2.67240777E-06 -2.67240775E-06
ex6_2_12 0.00000.0100--- 2.89195020E-01 2.89194748E-01
ex6_2_13 0.00000.0000--- -2.16209437E-01 -2.16209437E-01
ex6_2_6 0.00000.0000--- 7.10770123E-07 7.10762562E-07
ex6_2_7 0.01000.0000--- -1.60847615E-01 -1.60847615E-01
ex6_2_8 0.00000.0000--- -2.70063488E-02 -2.70063488E-02
ex6_2_9 0.00000.0100--- -3.40622927E-02 -3.40661841E-02
ex7_2_2 0.01000.0000--- -3.88811434E-01 -3.88811436E-01
ex7_2_3 0.00000.0000--- 7.04924802E+03 7.04924765E+03
ex7_2_4 0.00000.0100--- 3.91801023E+00 3.91801014E+00
ex7_3_1 0.03000.0100--- 3.41739553E-01 3.41739547E-01
ex7_3_2 0.00000.0000--- 1.08986385E+00 1.08986392E+00
ex7_3_3 0.00000.0000--- 1.14477978E+00 1.14477975E+00
ex7_3_4 0.01000.0200--- 1.00000000E+01 9.99999990E+00
ex7_3_5 0.01000.0100--- 1.20689618E+00 1.20689648E+00
ex8_1_1 0.00000.0000--- -2.02180678E+00 -2.02180680E+00
ex8_1_3 0.00000.0000--- 3.00000000E+01 3.00000000E+01
ex8_1_4 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
ex8_1_5 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
ex8_1_7 0.01000.0100--- 2.93111256E-02 2.93108303E-02
ex8_1_8 0.01000.0000--- -3.88811434E-01 -3.88811436E-01
ex8_3_9 0.04000.0100--- -7.41619849E-01 -7.41619849E-01
ex8_4_1 0.00000.0000--- 6.18572760E-01 6.18572759E-01
ex8_4_2 0.00000.0100--- 4.85152487E-01 4.85152487E-01
ex8_4_4 0.00000.0000--- 2.12459839E-01 2.12459839E-01
ex8_4_5 0.02000.0100--- 1.22529612E-03 1.22529693E-03
ex8_4_6 0.04000.0100--- 1.10497899E-03 1.10497899E-03
ex8_5_1 0.00000.0000--- -4.07175669E-07 -4.07185685E-07
ex8_5_2 0.01000.0100--- -1.28273023E-08 -1.15037485E-08
ex8_5_5 0.00000.0000--- 6.56663960E-07 6.56662619E-07
ex8_5_6 0.00000.0000--- 9.88137002E-07 9.88137385E-07
ex9_1_10 0.01000.0200--- -3.25000000E+00 -3.24999449E+00
ex9_1_2 0.01000.0100--- -1.60000000E+01 -1.60000000E+01
ex9_1_5 0.00000.0100--- -1.00000000E+00 -1.00000009E+00
ex9_1_8 0.00000.0200--- -3.25000000E+00 -3.24999449E+00
ex9_2_3 0.01000.0100--- 5.00000000E+00 4.99999979E+00
ex9_2_4 0.01000.0000--- 5.00000853E-01 5.00000000E-01
ex9_2_6 0.01000.0200--- -9.99998968E-01 -1.00000001E+00
harker 0.01000.0000--- -9.86513484E+02 -9.86513484E+02
haverly 0.02000.0000--- -4.00000000E+02 -4.00000004E+02
hhfair 0.07000.0000--- -8.71590308E+01 -8.71590376E+01
himmel11 0.00000.0000--- -3.06655385E+04 -3.06655394E+04
himmel16 0.01000.0100--- -6.74981443E-01 -6.74981435E-01
house 0.00000.0000--- -4.50000000E+03 -4.50000005E+03
hydro 0.08000.0100--- 4.36694416E+06 4.36694408E+06
immun 0.02000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
least 0.00000.0000--- 1.40851398E+04 1.40851398E+04
like 0.00000.0000--- 1.13841056E+03 1.13841056E+03
meanvar 0.00000.0100--- 5.24339907E+00 5.24339902E+00
mhw4d 0.00000.0100--- 2.78719052E+01 2.78719052E+01
minlphi 0.02000.0500--- 5.82236142E+02 5.82236139E+02
process 0.01000.0100--- -1.16133660E+03 -1.16133661E+03
ramsey 0.03000.0000--- -2.48745812E+00 -2.48746873E+00
rbrock 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
sambal 0.02000.0000--- 3.96822036E+00 3.96822036E+00
sample 0.00000.0100--- 7.26679358E+02 7.26678866E+02
srcpm 0.04000.0200--- 2.10978183E+03 2.10978183E+03
st_bpaf1a 0.01000.0100--- -4.53797102E+01 -4.53797110E+01
st_bpaf1b 0.01000.0000--- -4.29625576E+01 -4.29625585E+01
st_bpv1 0.00000.0000--- 1.00000000E+01 9.99999772E+00
st_bsj2 0.00000.0000--- 1.00000000E+00 9.99999983E-01
st_bsj3 0.00000.0000--- -3.48430500E+04 -3.48430507E+04
st_cqpf 0.00000.0100--- -2.75000000E+00 -2.75000022E+00
st_cqpjk1 0.00000.0000--- -1.24444399E+01 -1.24444424E+01
st_cqpjk2 0.00000.0000--- -1.25000000E+01 -1.25000000E+01
st_e06 0.01000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
st_e07 0.00000.0000--- -4.00000000E+02 -4.00000004E+02
st_e10 0.00000.0100--- -1.67388932E+01 -1.67388932E+01
st_e17 0.00000.0000--- 3.76291932E+02 3.76291929E+02
st_e20 0.00000.0000--- -3.88811434E-01 -3.88811436E-01
st_e22 0.01000.0000--- -6.80000000E+01 -6.80000014E+01
st_e25 0.00000.0000--- 8.90193591E-01 8.90193563E-01
st_e26 0.00000.0100--- -1.85779200E+02 -1.85779204E+02
st_e28 0.01000.0000--- -3.06655385E+04 -3.06655394E+04
st_e33 0.00000.0100--- -4.00000000E+02 -4.00000009E+02
st_e41 0.00000.0000--- 6.41823543E+02 6.41823555E+02
st_e42 0.00000.0000--- 1.87842000E+01 1.87841992E+01
st_fp1 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -2.24247087E-06
st_fp2 0.00000.0000--- -2.13000000E+02 -2.13000004E+02
st_fp3 0.00000.0000--- -1.01093750E+01 -1.01093752E+01
st_fp4 0.00000.0000--- -1.10000000E+01 -1.10000002E+01
st_fp5 0.00000.0100--- -2.68014632E+02 -2.68014639E+02
st_fp7a 0.01000.0000--- 1.47958635E+00 1.47958604E+00
st_fp7d 0.01000.0000--- 6.55405444E+00 6.55405301E+00
st_fp7e 0.01000.0000--- 1.27507098E+01 1.27507061E+01
st_glmp_fp1 0.00000.0100--- 2.00000000E+01 1.99999999E+01
st_glmp_kky 0.00000.0100--- -2.50000000E+00 -2.50000038E+00
st_glmp_ss1 0.00000.0100--- -2.45714286E+01 -2.45714290E+01
st_ht 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -3.09931943E-08
st_iqpbk1 0.00000.0000--- -6.21487825E+02 -6.21487837E+02
st_iqpbk2 0.00000.0100--- -1.19522565E+03 -1.19522567E+03
st_jcbpaf2 0.01000.0100--- -4.80661708E+02 -4.80661714E+02
st_kr 0.00000.0000--- -6.80000000E+01 -6.80000014E+01
st_m1 0.02000.0000--- -4.61356939E+05 -4.61356947E+05
st_m2 0.12000.0400--- -8.56648819E+05 -8.56648860E+05
st_pan1 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -7.99937627E-08
st_pan2 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -2.23747087E-06
st_ph1 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -4.49804291E-08
st_ph10 0.00000.0000--- -1.05000000E+01 -1.05000002E+01
st_ph11 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -2.24889392E-08
st_ph12 0.01000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -5.24864337E-08
st_ph13 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -2.24912219E-08
st_ph14 0.00000.0000--- -2.15125000E+02 -2.15125003E+02
st_ph15 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -3.89978846E-07
st_ph2 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -1.94970909E-07
st_ph20 0.01000.0100--- -1.58000000E+02 -1.58000004E+02
st_ph3 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -1.39979176E-07
st_phex 0.01000.0000--- -6.80000000E+01 -6.80000014E+01
st_qpc-m0 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -5.49896183E-08
st_qpc-m1 0.00000.0100--- -4.73777778E+02 -4.73777794E+02
st_qpc-m3a 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -9.74981118E-07
st_qpc-m3b 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -9.74940953E-07
st_qpc-m3c 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -9.74936818E-07
st_qpc-m4 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -9.74936554E-07
st_qpk1 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -4.49898720E-08
st_rv1 0.00000.0000--- -5.99043451E+01 -5.99043459E+01
st_rv3 0.01000.0100--- -3.57606706E+01 -3.57606710E+01
st_rv7 0.05000.0100--- -1.38187497E+02 -1.38187499E+02
st_z 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -3.24892365E-08
wall 0.00000.0000--- 1.00000466E+00 1.00000466E+00

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Solvers perform the same - Obj of IPOPT better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex14_1_2 0.00000.0100--- 9.30232302E-01 1.00357461E-08
ex14_1_7 0.01000.0200--- 7.04274947E+00 1.34989078E-01
ex5_2_2_case1 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -4.00000004E+02
ex5_2_2_case2 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -4.00000004E+02
ex8_1_2 0.00000.0000--- 2.80345848E+00 -7.96979894E-01
ex8_3_12 1.21001.24000.976 -1.72205256E-09 -9.90594643E-01
prolog 0.01000.0500--- 6.79322071E+02 1.59663614E-07
ship 0.01000.0100--- 5.62508015E+00 5.54091468E+00
st_bpk1 0.00000.0000--- -1.00000000E+01 -1.30000003E+01
st_bpk2 0.00000.0000--- -1.00000000E+01 -1.30000003E+01
st_bpv2 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -8.00000025E+00
st_e01 0.00000.0000--- -4.00000000E+00 -6.66666672E+00
st_e09 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -5.00000005E-01
st_e16 0.02000.0100--- 1.36807910E+04 1.22924673E+04
st_e19 0.00000.0000--- 1.10000000E+01 -8.64222069E+01
st_e23 0.00000.0000--- -1.00520833E+00 -1.08333334E+00
st_e24 0.01000.0000--- 4.00000000E+00 2.99999989E+00
st_e34 0.00000.0100--- 1.56307102E-02 1.56177349E-02
st_e37 0.00000.0000--- 1.58393805E-02 1.04172024E-03
st_fp6 0.00000.0000--- -2.11250000E+01 -2.90000050E+01
st_fp8 0.13000.0300--- 1.59900000E+04 1.56389995E+04
st_glmp_fp2 0.00000.0000--- 7.62750000E+00 7.34454509E+00
st_glmp_fp3 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -1.20000002E+01
st_glmp_kk90 0.00000.0000--- 4.00000000E+00 2.99999989E+00
st_glmp_kk92 0.00000.0000--- 0.00000000E+00 -1.20000002E+01
st_jcbpafex 0.00000.0000--- -1.00520833E+00 -1.08333334E+00
st_qpk2 0.00000.0100--- 0.00000000E+00 -1.22500004E+01
st_qpk3 0.00000.0400--- 0.00000000E+00 -3.60000014E+01

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Solver IPOPT faster - Obj of DONLP2 better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
st_rv8 0.16000.0200--- -1.32661629E+02 -1.26863346E+02

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Solver IPOPT faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
chakra 0.19000.0000--- -1.79133558E+02 -1.79133558E+02
elec25 0.37000.31001.194 2.43812761E+02 2.43812760E+02
ex8_4_3 0.13000.0000--- 4.64971567E-03 4.64971566E-03
qp2 0.19000.0400--- 8.09315053E-04 8.09402182E-04
qp4 0.48000.0300--- 8.09315516E-04 8.09401882E-04
st_e03 0.16000.0000--- -1.16133660E+03 -1.16133661E+03

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Solver IPOPT faster - Obj of IPOPT better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex5_4_4 0.18000.0300--- 1.21388826E+04 1.18416092E+04
ex8_3_13 0.73000.60001.217 0.00000000E+00 -3.60846988E+01
st_e05 0.24000.0000--- 7.65633923E+03 7.04924927E+03

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Solver IPOPT much faster - Obj of DONLP2 better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex5_3_3 103.07000.2100490.810 0.00000000E+00 4.35445217E+00
ex8_6_1 1.07000.24004.458 -2.64839090E+01 -2.61996101E+01

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Solver IPOPT much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
chain100 6.43000.0100--- 5.06978589E+00 5.06978461E+00
chain25 0.94000.0000--- 5.07226254E+00 5.07226149E+00
chain50 0.93000.0100--- 5.07226254E+00 5.07226149E+00
etamac 2.64000.0200--- -1.52946756E+01 -1.52946756E+01
ex8_3_2 14.46000.0800180.750 -3.31326665E-01 -3.31326667E-01
ex8_3_3 14.04000.0900156.000 -3.33034634E-01 -3.33034636E-01
ex8_4_7 0.94000.0000--- 2.90473067E+01 2.90473067E+01
korcge 1.18000.0100--- -3.39213028E+02 -3.39213028E+02
otpop 0.74000.0200--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
pindyck 2.64000.0100--- -1.17048629E+03 -1.17048629E+03
pollut 0.86000.0100--- -5.35326863E+06 -5.35326869E+06
qp1 0.23000.05004.600 8.09315067E-04 8.09402182E-04
qp3 0.93000.070013.286 8.09315058E-04 8.09401882E-04
weapons 0.52000.0100--- -1.73556958E+03 -1.73556958E+03

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Solver IPOPT much faster - Obj of IPOPT better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
bayes2_10 3.99000.090044.333 3.46117631E-01 1.83750746E-02
bayes2_20 12.12000.0800151.500 2.30381075E+00 1.22194450E+00
bayes2_50 34.72000.1600217.000 6.24122405E+01 5.11299326E+01
demo7 0.96000.0300--- -5.60569593E+01 -1.58904239E+06
ex8_3_1 44.46000.790056.278 -7.41088135E-01 -8.19590247E-01
ex8_3_4 54.21001.370039.569 -3.55501797E+00 -3.57998232E+00
ex8_3_5 13.22000.390033.897 -6.26507038E-02 -6.91196461E-02
ex8_3_6 0.47000.20002.350 -3.25825837E-01 -5.00000000E-01
ex8_4_8 6.54000.0500130.800 3.36834790E+00 3.32184732E+00
lnts50 22.33000.0500446.600 5.54741072E-01 5.54668765E-01
qp5 1.74000.0400--- 4.31499771E-01 4.31454247E-01

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Solver IPOPT infinitely faster - Obj of IPOPT better:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
bayes2_30 infeasible 0.1100 -- 8.07023693E+00 2.51200519E-01
bearing infeasible 0.0100 -- 0.00000000E+00 1.95173319E+00
btest14 infeasible 0.2300 -- -7.92287916E+00 -6.40092748E+00
camcge infeasible 0.0200 -- -1.94438348E+02 -1.91734624E+02
camshape100 infeasible 0.0700 -- -5.43896122E+00 -4.28419955E+00
chenery infeasible 0.0100 -- 0.00000000E+00 -1.05891986E+03
ex6_2_14 infeasible 0.0000 -- NA -6.95358177E-01
ex6_2_5 infeasible 0.0100 -- NA -7.07520778E+01
ex7_3_6 infeasible 0.0600 -- 0.00000000E+00 -3.06519517E-09
ex8_3_10 infeasible 5.5600 -- 0.00000000E+00 -2.15554048E-02
ex8_3_14 infeasible 0.9200 -- 0.00000000E+00 -1.60044567E-03
ex8_3_7 infeasible 4.0200 -- 0.00000000E+00 -1.23261913E+00
ex8_3_8 infeasible 0.4300 -- 0.00000000E+00 -3.25611903E+00
ex8_5_3 infeasible 0.0000 -- NA 4.09318480E-05
ex8_5_4 infeasible 0.0000 -- NA -4.25147101E-04
ex9_1_4 infeasible 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 -3.70000000E+01
gtm infeasible 0.0100 -- NA 5.43565094E+02
launch infeasible 0.0200 -- 1.39077086E+03 2.25779733E+03
st_e04 fail 0.0100 -- 0.00000000E+00 5.19486622E+03
st_e08 infeasible 0.0100 -- 0.00000000E+00 1.09533535E+00
st_e11 fail 0.0100 -- 0.00000000E+00 1.89311630E+02
st_e12 fail 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 -4.51420175E+00
st_e18 infeasible 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 -2.82842714E+00
st_e21 fail 0.0100 -- 0.00000000E+00 -1.34019037E+01
st_e30 infeasible 0.0300 -- 0.00000000E+00 -1.58113884E+00

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Both solvers failed to solve optimally - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (DONLP2) Time (IPOPT) Ratio (DONLP2 / IPOPT) Obj (DONLP2) Obj (IPOPT)
ex8_2_4 infeasible infeasible -- -8.08042091E+03 4.50969989E-02
st_e02 infeasible infeasible -- 0.00000000E+00 2.67417088E+02
st_robot infeasible infeasible -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
worst infeasible fail -- -8.67323201E+19 -1.06311067E+56

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